Santiago Ponzinibbio
Michel Pereira
Record 30 - 7 - 0 30 - 11 - 0
Age 36 30
Height 72.00 73.00
Reach 73.00 73.00
Leg Reach 40.50 42.00
Knockouts 16.00 8.00
Striking Accuracy 42.00 54.00
Strikes Per Min. 4.90 5.16
Sig Strike Defense 62 58
Absorbed per min. 4.67 3.70
Standing Strikes 868 463
Clinch Strikes 19 68
Ground Strikes 30 24
Grappling Accuracy 30.00 55.00
Strikes to Head 646 267
Strikes to Body 117 234
Strikes to Leg 154 54
Knockdown Ratio 0.80 0.42
Takedowns per 15 0.48 1.53
Takedown Defense 61 94
Average Fight Time 661 587
First Round Finishes 14 9