Gabriel Bonfim
Nicolas Dalby
Record 15 - 1 - 0 23 - 4 - 1
Age 25 38
Height 73.00 70.00
Reach 72.50 74.50
Leg Reach 40.50 43.00
Knockouts 3.00 6.00
Striking Accuracy 40.00 44.00
Strikes Per Min. 4.87 4.03
Sig Strike Defense 59 53
Absorbed per min. 5.25 3.43
Standing Strikes 70 403
Clinch Strikes 3 195
Ground Strikes 4 56
Grappling Accuracy 71.00 31.00
Strikes to Head 60 397
Strikes to Body 6 154
Strikes to Leg 11 103
Knockdown Ratio 0.00 0.09
Takedowns per 15 4.75 1.11
Takedown Defense 100 60
Average Fight Time 237 812
First Round Finishes 8 3