Deiveson Figueiredo
Cody Garbrandt
Record 23 - 3 - 1 14 - 6 - 0
Age 36 32
Height 65.00 68.00
Reach 68.00 65.50
Leg Reach 38.00 38.00
Knockouts 9.00 11.00
Striking Accuracy 56.00 41.00
Strikes Per Min. 3.01 2.98
Sig Strike Defense 51 60
Absorbed per min. 3.38 3.76
Standing Strikes 411 385
Clinch Strikes 44 23
Ground Strikes 119 26
Grappling Accuracy 42.00 34.00
Strikes to Head 376 317
Strikes to Body 145 52
Strikes to Leg 53 65
Knockdown Ratio 0.86 1.13
Takedowns per 15 1.65 1.03
Takedown Defense 59 80
Average Fight Time 716 582
First Round Finishes 11 8